Determination, organization, courage and efficiency.
These values made Rome Invicta, Invincible.By the name we are inspired by a civilization that built it’s strength on the science of logistics.
With determination, organization and efficiency, they realized, among other things, the strategic importance of communication routes.
They could get to anyone and anything anywhere, with any means of transport.The “Acient Rome” became a great empire recognized by everyone. With these ideals, we Invicta project & shipping, provide our knowledge in each shipment from the smallest bolt to the most complex oversized transport.
We operate successfully worldwide, speaking 7 languages (English, Russian, French, Dutch, Spanish, Ukranian and Italian) in addition to the universal language of reliability.
Determination, organization, courage and efficiency.
Yesterday as today, the loyalty to these values makes invincible.
Invicta Project & Shipping is a dynamic leader in the logistics industry, which has a long and solid experience in
Project Freight Forwarding.

Incoterms 2020 rules define the responsibilities of buyers and sellers for the delivery of goods under sale contracts.
They are the authoritative rules for determining how costs and risks are allocated to the parties. Incoterms 2020 rules are regularly incorporated into sale contracts worldwide and have become part of the daily language of trade.
(Chart of Responsibility)
Fill the form below and our qualified personnel will be in contact
Invicta Project & Shipping SRL
Via XXV Aprile 14 int 4
16123 Genoa, Italy
Phone number: +39 010 98 68 500
Invicta Project & Shipping BVBA
Quellinstraat 49,
2018 Antwerp, Belgium
Phone number: +32 3 204 1997
Bianca Schiavone
CEO & Managing Director
Quality Management System Certificate
ISO 9001:2015